My Story


Let's start with telling you who I am and why I write things here.

With experience in the art world, having worked for an art auction and an art fair company, I've also worked as a teaching assistant and earned a PhD in art history. I appreciate art simply because it offers me diverse visual amusement. Despite all the experience and studies, I am still attracted to pretty paintings, with Monet being my favourite artist.

In short, I haven't yet found something that I'm truly passionate about. Things around art in my life have been fine, maybe a bit interesting, but I haven't found anything I truly love. This is why I am writing here, trying to understand myself as I write.

I will continue writing and trying to figure out what I want to do. The one thing I know for sure is that I would like to share the joy in art I feel with others. I thought "art your story" is also a cool name, as it sounds like I encourage others to have art in their life story.